Julika Rudelius

The Highest Point
SD video, color, sound (Dutch audio with English subtitles)
12:40 min

April 19 – May 30, 2021

(Schaufenster am Hofgarten & online)

In her 2002 film The Highest Point, Julika Rudelius examines actual female sexuality set into contrast with its prevailing representations in the media or porn industry.

The work of Rudelius is often characterized by the blending of documentary elements and methods of alienation. This also pertains to the video on view: the artist had placed ads in newspapers inviting women to speak openly about their sexuality. She then interviewed the ones who responded in an austere environment and had them tell the viewer about their sexual experiences or preferences. In doing so, and by never completely revealing identities through the camera work, Rudelius creates an almost clinical examination of women’s sexuality, rather than personal portraits.

Installation views: Julika Rudelius, The Highest Point, 2002, as part of Schaufenster, Kunstverein München, 2021. Courtesy the artist and Kunstverein München e.V.; photo: Sebastian Kissel.

Video stills: Julika Rudelius, The Highest Point, 2002. Courtesy the artist.

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