Die Agentur der Dokumente

Archives, law books, passports, certificates: documents structure our lives. While passports determine the (im)mobility of their owners, contracts regulate ownership and dispossession. Some events are documented in order to remember them in the future, while the documentation of other events is destroyed in order to erase them from the collective memory. Documents have a performative dimension that can be violent as well as emancipatory: they store the interests and desires of the past, functionalized or instrumentalized through the eyes of the present. Documents are dynamic fields in which the sovereignty of interpretation and the process of acquiring meaning are played out again and again; Die Agentur der Dokumente (The Agency of Documents) is about dealing with these dynamics.

In readings and discussions with artists and researchers, the discursive event series The Agency of Documents traces the complex structure of past and present subjectivities that lies behind the ostensible objectivity of documents. In addition, selected sound recordings from the km archive will be made public and contextualized in listening sessions. Selected content from the event series will be broadcasted on the non-commercial Munich based community radio Radio 80000.

A Slave Girl in Holiday Attire: Photographing Chinese Women in the Exclusion Era (1882–1943) Lecture by Aurelia Guo

Tuesday, November 19, 7pm

Yvonne Rainer: Narrative in the (Dis)Service of Identity: Fragments Toward a Performed Lecture Dealing with Menopause, Race, Gender, and Other Uneasy Bedfellows in the Cinematic Sheets. Or: How Do You Begin to Think of Yourself as a Lesbian—and White—When You Had Just A-woman (1992)
Listening Session, Radioshow

Wednesday, October 2, 7pm

In and Out: Terry Dennett's Photographic and Pedagogical Form
Conversation with Alexandra Symons-Sutcliffe

Tuesday, May 28, 7pm

Terry Eagleton: Culture and the Crisis of Capitalism (1992)
Listening Session, Radioshow

Tuesday, May 22, 7pm
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