*Dexter Sinister*
Dot Dot Dot Poster
Screenprint on poster and cardboard, 80 x 59.4 cm
Edtion of 10 + 6 AP
Signed and numbered, unframed
250 EUR
This poster was printed in 2005 in Tallin, Estonia, to advertise an exhibition of source material drawn from the arts journal Dot Dot Dot. The open space at the top was overprinted with the show’s exhibition dates, and the remainder of the print run intended to serve the same purpose else-where as the show moved on from place to place. However, somewhere along the way, the posters were misplaced – and remained so until found ten years later in the attic of Kunstverein München. The last ten are now put to latent use as an edition made available on the occasion of an exhibition by the journal’s former publishers Dexter Sinister called On a Universal Serial Bus