Stephan Dillemuth
31 May – 25 June 1994
The Sommerakademie (Summer Academy) was a four- week experimental art education program conceived by Stephan Dillemuth and Helmut Draxler at Kunstverein München. On Stephan Dillemuth’s website (www.society-, the concept is described as follows: “The idea of a summer academy stems from a long and continuous discussion among artists and art students about the function and modes of action of academies. The question of how one actually becomes an artist is closely related to this, and yet, in the context of existing institutions, is always assumed, but never scrutinized. As a counter-model, we propose here to invite artists and art students, artist groups, fanzines, magazines, theory producers, and others to articulate the idea of an academy as a free forum where the discrepancy between teachers and ‘students’ is largely eliminated, where information is not presented as a consumer good, but is produced through participation and joint production in exchange.”
[1] Documentation of different activities during the Sommerakademie
[1–8] Sommerakademie / Stephan Dillemuth, 1994. Installation views Kunstverein München e.V., 1994. Courtesy Kunstverein München e.V., photographs by: Andrea Stappert.
[9] Advertisement in the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
[10] Announcement for renting.
[11] Flyer for the presentation of the BEUTE editorial office.
[12] Announcement of the publication with texts on the subject complex, 1995.